By Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora
Thursday 17 July 2008 (0237h)
Why is it in today's society, we have to look hard to find a good person?
Why do we judge others when we cannot take being judged ourselves?
Why must we judge the rest of the world for a mistake most others might have made?
Why do we judge others at all???
Why do we insult or ridicule others for doing wrong rather than working with them to change for the better?
Why can't we use our own common sense and knowledge to keep from doing wrong?
Why must we talk about eachother behind eachother's backs?
Why is it that when one girl is a whore, every other girl is then judged and said to be one too?
Why s it when one guy cheats, the others suffer the judgement tha they all do too?
Why can't some people accept that there are still decent and moral people in today's modern society?
Why must we all be judged by who we are or what we say or do?
Why must we pride over others and make them feel small when we think we are right and they are wrong?
Why must we argue over matters where there are no right or wrong opinions?
Why can't we accept others and ourselves for who we really are?
Why is it we can show our true colours at church or at service but hide or change ourselves in the eyes of our peers to match what they think is "cool"?
Why do we ask so many questions who's answers only draw more complicated questions?
Why must we bask in anger and grudge rather than accepting defeat and moving on when you are wrong?
Why must we seek revenge knowing that it isnt right?
Why can't we accept that there is no such thing as "Perfection"?
Why must we make others suffer when we ourselves don't have anything better to do?
Why do we have to taunt and ridicule others when we're not feeling too good about ourselves?
Why do we hate people rather than the things that they do?
Why must we show off and compete with others when our biggest challenge yet is competing with ourselves?
Why must people be so ostentatious?
Wy must we crave so much attention?
Why can't we just love eachother the way God created to do?
Why must we live to please others by displeasing ourselves?
Why is it so hard for some people to be a real friend all the time and not justsometimes?
Why must we judge eachother when one might not even know the whole truth?
Why can't we shut up when our opinions aren't wanted rather than pshing the limits to make ourselves heard?
Why do we not speak of love insted of accusing the world when none else does?
Why can't people practise what they preach?
Why AM i askng these questions anyway?
Am i forced into a state of perplexity where nothing say can be heard nor understood?
Or am i merely curious to see the opinions of others when myself know my own answers and opinions to the questions i ask?
I duno...
You Tell Me!
Copyright (c) Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora, 2008
17 July 2009