As we human beings gain more knowledge, technology begins to improve.
As we gain freedom, population begins to grow larger.
As we gain courage, more begin to stand up and fight for our nation.
But through all of this, the world begins to grow less beautiful with every passing moment,
because the thing we lack most is appreciation for the smallest natural wonders
and the care and wisdom provided by our loved ones!
Have you ever thought of just stopping in your tracks to smell the sweet scented flowers?
Have you ever really appreciated the small things in life,
like a true and sincere smile from someone you care about?
Have you ever thought of slowing down to enjoy the journey,
insted of concentrating so hard on your destination,
that you miss out on all the wonderful scenes the journey has to offer?
Do you ever think about your health before your pleasure?
Do you ever stop to think that maybe your loved ones want you to live a little longer?
Do you ever wonder if maybe the future really is worth waiting for?
Or do you just want to watse away your now
by carelessly drinking or smoking away your time?
Why do people think it's more fun to get drunk,
when half the time you wont even remember the so-called fun you had?
Don't we have fun so we can look back on the wonderful times we had?
Ins't it better to have memories of the fun times,
insted of wasting yourself away with drugs and alcohol?
What is the point of such if all it does is kill us faster?
Life is worth living if you realise how amazing it can truely be...
It's not as boring as you think without the drugs and alcohol,
you just make it out to be that way in your mind,
so that is how it appears in your reality.
Reality becomes nothing but another game,
and the beauty of love and pure joy is swept away.
While other people are enjoying their time with their family and friends,
others think they are enjoying life more by getting high and drunk,
killing themselves slowly because they think that's what life is all about,
while all their loved ones can do nothing but watch,
because no matter what loved ones say to try and make them see,
they do not listen, they think only that these people want to ruin their fun.
How the world has gone to the dogs!
How selfish and egocentric we become that love never lasts very long anymore,
or in some cases, it was never even there in the first place.
How unbearingly stubborn we have become that now pride comes before anything else.
How ruthless we are that now love is just a game and cheating is an option.
The universe is expending,
the earth is shrinking,
the countries are fighting,
the people are revolting against each other,
the children are indulging in prevocative ways,
the teenagers act like more than just teenagers,
the beauty of our world is fading!
What more can we do if we cannot help ourselves;
If we cannot change ourselves for the better?
Our world is dying...
And with it, we shall die!
Faith and hope are all the rest of us have left,
to trust that those in need of change will find it in themselves!
These are the things that swirl through my mind everyday...
These are the things I see.
These are my Random thoughts.
This is life, this is now, this is me!
Copyright (c) Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora, 2009
5 August 2009
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