By Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora
Monday 24 January 2011 [0127h]
Some girls want a perfect prince charming,
Stare up at the sky, and wish upon a star for "The One".
Long walks in the moonlight, picnics, pictures & dinners,
Together every second of every minute of everyday,
Who will say "I Love You" and call them "babe";
Insincere love letters and stupid made up pet names;
Whether they mean it, or deceive, real or fake, it's poetry.
Some girls want someone who's mushy and gushy -
So fussy; It disgusts me, no need for trust or honesty.
Somebody who'll buy them jewelry, candy, teddies & tarts;
Presents from their pockets & not from the heart.
A perfect "love" with the perfect "man";
Their "Happily ever after" living in a fairytale land.
That "Once upon a time" story with that "Love at first sight" plot
No bumps, humps, troubles, worries or fights,
The "perfect" relationship to match their perfect dreams.
I want... You.
Confession time, no holding back, these are the things I think,
Too afraid to admit to you, scared that you'll walk away.
Why...? Because I want... You.
Are you perfect? No. Are you worth it? Everyday.
When we argue, I wanna stop and apologize; I realize
There's not a relationship in the world that don't have fights,
So I say to you that I'm sorry, cuz I'm afraid that it's too late;
I've made you angry, but I'm not gonna give up that easy.
When you're stressin, feelin bad, mad, sad, or angry;
Don't wanna think about it or speak about it,
I wanna hold you close and just sit there in silence,
No talkin, no questions, confessions, drama, anger or tears;
Just want you to know that I'll always be here,
Always ready to go through hell with you, be with you, see you through,
All the smiles & all the pain & all the bad days.
When you wanna be alone, I don't need to really be next to you;
Just know I'm with you, body, mind, heart & soul;
Just a call away, even if we end up in silence, I'm present.
When you don't wanna tell me what's wrong, I don't need to know;
You don't need to say anything you don't wanna say,
But say you'll let me know when you're okay & when you're low.
Cuz I wanna be with...
The guy who can't speak of love, hearts, or emotion,
But who's devotion is enough to make anybody glad to have you.
Mr 2010 captain of the rugby team; steam up my spex,
But rejects the idea of using his fame to get more chix & sex.
I wanna be with...
The guy who ain't all lovey dovey, no smushy mushy moments,
But you're golden cuz the things you say & do show me you care,
Show me you're the real deal & there ain't a thing to worry bout,
No reason for insecurity; limitlessly, you've got me hooked,
Addicted to you, it's the truth, Mr Funny & silly & sexy & cool.
I wanna be with...
The one who makes as many mistakes as I do,
Won't hold none of it against you, cuz I feel you,
I'ma take you for who you are, cuz who you are is amazing to me.
I wanna be with...
The guy I didn't think I had a chance with.
I wanna be with...
The guy I didn't believe I'd get this far with.
I wanna be with...
The guy I didn't know I'd never wanna let go of.
I wanna be with...
Somebody I said would always be mine, no matter what.
I wanna be with...
My Jaguar.
I wanna be with...
My superstar.
I wanna be with...

Copyright (c) Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora, 2011
24 January 2011