Wednesday, 7 July 2010

One Month

One Month
By Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora
Thursday 8 July 2010 (0853h)

Is it just me? Am I just Afraid?
Why do I feel like he's slipping away?
What is he thinking? What's on his mind?
Why am I feeling lots of doubt in his vibe?

Does he doubt himself or does he doubt me?
What's the reason behind almost setting me free?
What makes him happy? What must I do?
Conversations are empty; This much is true.

I fear he'll get bored cuz often we don't speak,
I fear his doubts grow strong and my arguments weak.
Communication is low, that I know well;
If he's upset he keeps it bottled, if he's worried he won't tell.

This is the reason he gave for almost leaving:
He's afraid he will hurt me and in the end leave me grieving.
This is untrue, cuz in him I can trust
Though if he tires of me, I'll let him do what he must

I hope he knows he can trust me to tell me what's up,
And believe that he can be comfortable enough to seek my touch.
If he is worried or angry or sad,
I hope he can share with me times of good and of bad.

I'll be here for him like he says he's here for me
I just want him to tell me if something in him disagrees
Tell me when I'm wrong and tell me when I'm right
Until you say you want me gone, for you I'm going to fight.

~ * ~ It's gonna be different this time ~ * ~

Copyright (c) Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora, 2010
8 July 2010

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