Monday, 23 March 2009

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry;
If I ever made you feel bad,
My Emotions get the best of me... I'm only human
I'm sorry;
If I never do anything right,
I can't be the perfect you want me to be
I'm sorry;
If I ever made you feel Unneeded,
I'm afraid you'll think I'm being Clingy
I'm sorry;
If I ever overreacted,
I'ma girl, I don't mean to, but there's not much i can do to help it
I'm sorry;
If I've ever insulted you,
I can't help bein me, I can't help being mean
I'm sorry;
If I've ever called you heartless,
I'm Heartless for even thinking it
I'm sorry;
If I hurt you,
Baby i swear that poem wasnt mine
I'm sorry;
If I called you a jerk,
I was being a Jerk... But everyone's a jerk sometime's right?
I'm sorry;
If I Never Listen,
I can't help that I'm stubborn
I'm sorry;
If I've ever done you wrong,
I'm still only just a stupid kid
I'm sorry;
If I've ever made you look bad,
I don't mean to, but sometimes it just comes out
I'm sorry;
If I'm clingy,
That's why I don't trip when u choose your boys over me
I'm sorry;
If I'm assuming things AGAIN,
I don't mean to, I just want to understand
I'm sorry;
For thinking you don't care,
I'm only fearing the worst, cuz I'm afraid of being let down by my own expectations
I'm sorry;
For talking bout shit I know nothing about,
I was only joking, I forgot how dumb I am & wrote it down in haste
I'm sorry;
For bein such an ass,
Sometimes thats just how i am
I'm sorry;
For being so ignorant,
I'm only pretending. Rly, I'm watching you, hoping you'll come back
I'm sorry;
If I care too much,
I can't help it, it's my instinct to care
I'm sorry;
If I ever said anything bad about something you love,
I've only ever wanted to show you that i care
I'm sorry;
If I care about your future,
Even though I know I have no place in it, that's just too far away
I'm sorry;
If I want you to realise that you're so much better than you show,
You have so much potencial to be so great, But it's not my place to judge.
I'm sorry;
If you think I'm wrong,
I'm not pushing my views, I'm just saying how I feel
I'm sorry;
If I sound like I'm trying to make you listen,
I'm not, I swear, I'm just speaking my mind for once
I'm sorry;
But I never tried to change you,
I like you for you and I accept you carefree lifestyle, evn thou mine is completely inversed
I'm sorry;
If you cant accept the way i live, the way i am,
I'm not here to win your affection
I'm sorry;
If i'v ever changed myself for you,
You have to llike me for me, not for the way i look
I'm sorry;
That you thought I was worth it,
Guess now u know I'm not, huh
I'm sorry;
That I can't speak my mind to you,
Even when you hurt me... or do something wrong
I'm sorry;
For Everything that's ever made you think I'm not right,
I never forced you to like me, thou I really hope you do
I'm sorry;
That I'm crying,
But I can't not when i feel so bad
I'm sorry;
For writing this,
But i had alot to say
I'm sorry;
For Making so many mistakes,
Thou sometimes I don't know what they are
I'm sorry;
For saying sorry,
It seems its the only thing i ever do
I'm sorry;
For wasting so much of your time by having you read this,
But there's something you need to know
I'm sorry;
For What I'm about to say,
Cuz there's the biggest chance in the world you don't feel the same
I'm sorry;
But I have to say this now,
Even if you run away
I'm sorry;
If this freaks you out
I'm sorry;
But I think I Love You...
I'm sorry;
So... Goodbye!

Copyright (c) Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora, 2009 
23 March 2009

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